SSC CPO 2020121)If a nine-digit number 785x3678y is divisible by 72, then the value of (x + y) is:
SSC CPO 2020122)If 1433 × 1433 × 1422 × 1425 is divided by 10, what is the remainder ?
SSC CPO 2020123)What is the sum of the digits of the least number which when divided by 15, 18 and 36 leaves the same remainder 9 in each case and is divisible by 11 ?
SSC CPO 2020124)How many numbers between 300 and 700 are divisible by 5, 6 and 8?
SSC CPO 2020125)Five bells ring together at the intervals of 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10 seconds. All the bells ring simultaneously at the same time. They will again ring simultaneously after:
6 minutes
SSC CPO 2020126)When a number is successively divided by 3, 4 and 7, the remainder obtained is 2, 3 and 5, respectively. What will be the remainder when 42 divides the same number?
SSC CPO 2020127)The HCF of two numbers is 29, and the other two factors of their LCM are 15 and 13. The smaller of the two numbers is:
SSC CGL 2022128)Find the greatest number 23a68b, which is divisible by 3 but NOT divisible by 9.
SSC CGL 2022129)LCM of two numbers is 56 times their HCF, with the sum of their HCF and LCM being 1710. If one of the two numbers is 240, then what is the other number?
SSC CGL 2022130)Find the greatest number which divides 108, 124 and 156, leaving the same remainder.