SSC CGL 20221)Find the greatest number 23a68b, which is divisible by 3 but NOT divisible by 9.
SSC CGL 20222)LCM of two numbers is 56 times their HCF, with the sum of their HCF and LCM being 1710. If one of the two numbers is 240, then what is the other number?
SSC CGL 20223)Find the greatest number which divides 108, 124 and 156, leaving the same remainder.
SSC CGL 20224)How many numbers are there from 500 to 650 (including both) which are neither divisible by 3 nor by 7?
SSC CGL 20225)What is the greatest number by which when 156, 181 and 331 are divided, the remainder is 6 in each case?
SSC CGL 20226)If the 7-digit number x8942y4 is divisible by 56, what is the value of (x2+ y) for the largest value of y, where x and y are natural numbers?
SSC CGL 20227)Which is the smallest multiple of 7, which leaves 5 as remainder in each case, when divided by 8, 9, 12 and 15?
SSC CGL 20228)What is the remainder when the product of 335, 608 and 853 is divided by 13?
SSC CGL 20229)Six bells begin to toll together and toll, respectively, at intervals of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 12 seconds. After how many seconds, will they toll together again?
SSC CGL 202210)If 8A5146B is divisible by 88, then what is the value of B - A?